Newsletter Editing and Proofreading

Newsletters are important tools at any company. We use newsletters to convey important information and exciting company changes, providing an avenue to drive your organizational culture in the right direction. Send us your newsletter and tell us your goals and ideal tone. We can help you make an impact from there.

553 068
Pages Edited

25 637
Happy Customers

Expert Feedback & Editing You Need To Succeed!

  • Mistakes cost you. Let your editor find the errors before your reader does.
  • Preparation is key. Don't publish your newsletter without a professional editing pass.
  • Get results. Effective writing produces better outcomes for you!

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We edit for results

Don't Take Our Word For It



October 06, 2024

(United States of America)

Simply Excellent!

Our business areas of expertise

What WordsRU’s Newsletter Editing
Service Can Do for You

WordsRU's editors and proofreaders understand that every article in your newsletter should be newsy, brief, and easy to read, with word choices and straightforward language appropriate to your audience. Our editors perform a thorough and careful edit of your newsletter to make sure that it is free from embarrassing spelling, tense, punctuation, grammatical, and typographical errors. They also ensure that the material flows in a logical and organized manner.

Furthermore, we understand that newsletters are distributed by a variety of methods. WordsRU editors and proofreaders have experience working with newsletters created in text format (like MSWord), Adobe PDF and InDesign, and MSPublisher and PowerPoint.

If you submit your newsletter in MS Word format, your completed edit will be returned in two documents: a marked changes format that shows the corrections made, along with any relevant, helpful comments and suggestions that may arise during the course of the edit, and a revised version that incorporates those corrections into a cleanly-formatted document.

If you submit in PDF, InDesign, MS Publisher, or MS PowerPoint, we will return the document with corrections made according to the program's capabilities.

No matter what format you choose, we will meet your particular style requirements and pay special attention to any issues you specify.Finally, the editor will remain available after the edited newsletter is returned, in order to answer questions, clarify comments and recommendations, and review brief passages of text that you may have revised based on the edit.

Document Security

The security of your documents and content is of paramount concern to WordsRU. Document transmission occurs through our web-based, purpose-designed system. Each editor has signed a legally-binding confidentiality and information security agreement with us, and we are happy to undertake additional non-disclosure agreements as required. Please refer to WordsRU's privacy statement and terms and conditions for further details.