Application & Personal Statement Editing and Proofreading

WordsRU helps ensure that your journal article is free of typographical, grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors. Our academic editing service also makes sure that word choice and sentence construction carry your discussion clearly, concisely, and with consistency.

We check for compliance with the major citation styles, including APA, Chicago, MLA, Turabian, IEEE, BlueBook, Harvard, and others. In addition, if you provide the journal's guidelines for submission, your journal editor will make sure that your journal article meets those specific, and often unique, requirements.

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Expert Feedback & Editing You Need To Succeed!

  • Mistakes cost you. Let your editor find the errors before your reader does.
  • Preparation is key. Don't publish your document without a professional editing pass
  • Get results. Effective writing produces better outcomes for you!

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October 06, 2024

(United States of America)

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What WordsRU’s Personal Statement Editing
Service Can Do for You

The personal statement for a university application package is of vital importance. After all, the statement is not only your first opportunity to introduce yourself to the admissions board, it is also your chance to add a human perspective to your application. The editors at WordsRU can help you to present yourself in the best possible light, and polish your personal statement so that your desire for a place at your chosen university is crystal clear.

Our editors have helped to refine and improve the personal statements of many students for whom English is not a first language, providing these students with a better chance of being accepted. We will return your edited document in correct English and appropriate academic style. You can be sure that our editing will be as unobtrusive as possible; we work to express your concepts and words in fluent, intuitive English, all while maintaining your personal characteristics and unique voice.

It is critical that personal statements focus on the school's writing prompt and guidelines. When you provide the school's instructions, our editors will take special care to check that your statement follows the guidelines and addresses all the vital points. We will edit out any irrelevant or repetitious sections, ensuring that your paper is not only correct, but is also clear, concise, logical and consistent. Finally, we correct your personal statement for grammatical, punctuation, spelling, syntax, and typographical issues. WordsRU editors will not create, add to, or alter your content, but they will review your statement to ensure that it is relevant, logical, and convincing, and the prose is fluid, clear, concise, and consistent.