Academic Integrity

At WordsRU, we recognize academic integrity as one of the cornerstones of education. Thus, the following principles summarize our commitment to do good, avoid harm, and be fair to both our clients and to education itself in our aim to help clients achieve their academic goals:

  1. We do not write, rewrite, or restructure academic text to be submitted in pursuit of a formal qualification;
  2. We do not perform any research tasks, including finding/vetting citations, statistical analyses, creating figures/tables/graphics;
  3. We do not edit or reword previously published material;
  4. We do not alter text in such a way that it would misrepresent an author’s organizational or critical thinking skills. However, we can edit according to your university’s formatting guidelines and can provide ample feedback indicating the level at which your text meets rubric criteria;
  5. We often encounter poor citation and give feedback as necessary, and we see this as part of the learning process. However, evidence of plagiarism stops the editing process until the matter is rectified.

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October 06, 2024

(United States of America)

Simply Excellent!