Give your writing a professional polish. With WordsRU’s proofreading service, you’ll never have to worry about typos, commas, or awkward phrasing.
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Your words matter. Whether you are a student, an author, or a businessperson, you want your message to be taken seriously. You want your words to be noticed—for the right reasons. But it only takes one typo to deliver the wrong message. People won’t remember your intelligent or heartfelt prose. They’ll remember your mistake.
When we try to proofread our own writing, we already know what’s on the page—or what should be there. For this reason, when we reread, our minds can easily trick us into thinking that what we meant to write is actually what we are seeing. In other words, the text looks right because it sounds right in our mind. A proofreader does not have these established expectations.
The text is new and fresh, so the errors in punctuation, spelling, and grammar are much more evident.
Errors can certainly be embarrassing. But in today’s competitive world, errors can make or break a person. If you’re a student, those errors can lower your grades. If you’re a writer, those errors can lower your sales. If you’re a businessperson, those errors can destroy your reputation. And if you’re trying to become a student or a writer or a businessperson, those errors will ruin your chances.
553 293
Pages Edited
25 646
Jobs Completed
Mistakes are costly. Let your proofreader find the errors before your reader does.
Preparation is key. Don't publish your document until it has been proofread by a professional.
Get the results you deserve. Effective writing increases your chances for success!