Business Plan Editing and Proofreading

An effective business plan must always clearly define the proposed business enterprise. WordsRU's professional, qualified business editors ensure that your proposal uses simple, direct language that is both powerful and correct.

Our editors will review your business plan to ensure that the writing reflects relevant and appropriate information that has been organized logically and coherently.

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25 637
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Expert Feedback & Editing You Need To Succeed!

  • Mistakes cost you. Let your editor find the errors before your reader does.
  • Preparation is key. Don't present your business plan without a professional editing pass.
  • Get results. Effective writing produces better outcomes for you!

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We edit for results

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October 06, 2024

(United States of America)

Simply Excellent!

Our business areas of expertise

What WordsRU’s Business Plan Editing
Service Can Do for You

Producing a cohesive and cogent business plan is easier said than done! This is particularly true if you create the plan while juggling a portfolio of other activities that steal the time you need to reflect and prepare for the plan's presentation.

Frequently, the difference between a well-accepted, funded business plan and a plan that fails lies in the detailing of the concept or the plan's structure and presentation.

WordsRU editors ensure that your business plan

  • Knows its audience
  • Meets its purpose
  • Is executable
  • Gives details and sets specific goals
  • States who is in charge of every step
  • Clarifies expectations for your industry's future
  • Engages and excites interested parties

Document Security

The security of your documents and content is of paramount concern to WordsRU. Document transmission occurs through our web-based, purpose-designed system. Each editor has signed a legally-binding confidentiality and information security agreement with us, and we are happy to undertake additional non-disclosure agreements as required. Please refer to WordsRU's privacy statement and terms and conditions for further details.