Journal Article Editing and Proofreading

WordsRU helps ensure that your journal article is free of typographical, grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors. Our academic editing service also makes sure that word choice and sentence construction carry your discussion clearly, concisely, and with consistency.

We check for compliance with the major citation styles, including APA, Chicago, MLA, Turabian, IEEE, BlueBook, Harvard, and others. In addition, if you provide the journal's guidelines for submission, your journal editor will make sure that your journal article meets those specific, and often unique, requirements.

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Expert Feedback & Editing You Need To Succeed!

  • Mistakes cost you. Let your editor find the errors before your reader does.
  • Preparation is key. Don't submit your journal article without a professional editing pass.
  • Get results. Effective writing produces better outcomes for you!

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What WordsRU’s Journal Article Editing
Service Can Do for You

Our journal editors and proofreaders understand that academic articles must adhere to certain conventions relating to structure, style, and voice and will check your journal article to make sure that these conventions are followed. Your editor will consider the purpose of the article, its argument, and the organization of the material to see that your writing is clear and makes sense, relates directly to the thesis statement, and is fully supported by your evidence. Your WordsRU editor will also ensure that your in-text citations are included in the reference list or bibliography, as well as check the reference list or bibliography for proper form and style.

Most importantly, our high ethical standards ensure that your content and meaning will not be altered. WordsRU will not write your journal article for you, nor will our editors research, alter, or add to your content. However, our journal editors will make suggestions and recommendations for how you can improve the article.

We will return two copies of your essay: a marked copy with all corrections and comments showing and a revised copy that has the corrections accepted and comments removed. Note that the revised copy will NOT be ready to submit to the journal! You should review and address any comments or suggestions the editor has made. There may be additional information needed for the reference list entries or text required to make ideas or sentences complete.

Furthermore, WordsRU provides follow-up after the edited journal article has been returned. We will not "slam the door" on you once the major editing is complete! Your editor will remain available to answer questions, clarify comments, and review brief passages that you revise based on your editor's comments. Plus, the chief editor oversees every step of the editing process and is always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.