Does the thought of #2 pencils bring about feelings of anxiety when you think about returning to school?
#2 pencils are synonymous with school, tests, and anxiety
Going back to school after a summer break or even returning to a classroom when you’ve been out of school for years can certainly create feelings of anxiety. When you feel a panic attack trying to overtake your sense of peace and tranquility, consider trying one of these five tips for reducing anxious feelings.
Tip Number One:
Consider making a slight lifestyle change to your everyday routine by adding one type of exercise that you do for fifteen minutes every day. You could start out by walking around the block, power walking in your neighborhood, or even walking fast up and down your hallway. Within just a few minutes, you should begin feeling more relaxed because you’re focusing on yourself and not on your situation.
Health professionals have been stating for a long time that even a little bit of exercise every day will increase your brain’s chemistry to focus on problems and resolve them. If you are able to schedule a fifteen minute walk outside before you go to class, or even when you first wake up in the morning before showering, the fresh air you breathe into your body will help to refresh your energy and outlook on the day.
Tip Number Two:
On a sheet of lined paper, and without giving too much thought to put pressure on yourself, list five things that you would change in order to create a more peaceful environment where you live. For instance, if you have gotten into the habit of watching the news before you go to bed every night, all of that media news anxiety that is occurring in the world could add tension to your thoughts and your body. For one week, try eliminating watching the news before you go to bed and see if you sleep more peacefully. If you live alone, then it is up to you to write down those things that you feel are causing more tension in your everyday environment. If you live with others, or share a common living space, then write down those things that you can change or reschedule that will take you out of their field of attack, whatever that might be mentally. Living in a safe and peaceful place will help to reduce most feelings of anxiety if you know how to control those things that upset you.
Tip Number Three:
When you jot down a list of three things that you are grateful for each day, you avoid anxiety and focusing on anything negative that has incurred in your life that day. When you change your outlook, your perspective, and your appreciation for life, it’s almost as if your blood pressure lowers. If you smile when you’re writing down those things in reflecting on what caused you to be grateful today, you will realize a new sense of peacefulness that is only obtained when you take the focus off of yourself and your problems. Just make sure to try not to repeat the same gratitudes every day. Are you thankful for the sun that was shining today? Did you see someone who made your heart happy today? Did you get through the day and can finally sit down and relax for a little while? All of these things are gratitudes. Concentrate on looking for the positives in your life every day rather than the negatives. Soon you will see that anxiety is not part of what you want in your life on a daily basis.
Finally, if you’re anxious about your school work and you’re not a good speller, or if you just want to put a more professional touch to all those written assignments you submit, consider hiring one of the WordsRU editors who can make your words shine and reduce your state of anxious feelings.
If, for some reason, you can’t seem to shake the extreme feelings of anxiety and you’re experiencing severe and scary panic attacks, please contact a health professional immediately. The life you save is yours, so don’t minimize the symptoms or feelings you’re experiencing.