Take a break from writing and get a little exercise

Improve your writing with a little exercise

Write better after making time to exercise.


Whether you’re working on a novel and the characters just don’t seem to be talking to you, or you’re having trouble writing an article for an online journal, it’s inevitable you will encounter times of mental exhaustion. The solution for boosting your writing muscles is to exercise your body’s muscles. Let’s take a minute or two to learn how you can find time for exercise in your busy writing schedule.

How To Find Time For Exercise

We all know how important it is to exercise.  Not only can exercise help you lose weight but it also keep you fit and in good shape.  This leads to increased levels of energy and allows you to be more productive in your daily life.  But who has the time to exercise?

With today’s hectic schedules, it can be difficult to squeeze in regular exercise time, even when you really want to.  However, there are some ways to find time for exercise.  Here are a few tips to help you.

Exercise for 15-30 minutes a day

The first thing to remember is that exercising does not have to take a lot of time in order for it to be effective.  Even exercising 15 to 30 minutes a day can produce really good results.  If you can’t exercise every day, 3 or 4 times a week is also good.

Exercise several times a day

You can also break up your exercise time into two to three different segments.  So you could exercise for 10-15 minutes per session instead of having to find 30 minutes of uninterrupted time for exercising.

Use early morning hours to exercise

You can often squeeze in some extra time first thing in the morning.  Try getting up 15 to 30 minutes early to exercise.  You can also multi-task.  Try exercising while watching your favorite television shows instead of lying on the couch and loading up on high calorie snacks.

Exercise during lunch breaks

Another way to get in some exercise time is to take a walk or do some quick exercises on your lunch break at work or school.  You will feel better and get in your exercise all at the same time.  If there are stairs in the building, use those instead of using the elevator.

Exercise with a family member or friend

You can also get other family members involved in exercising.  That way you can still spend time with them while exercising and not feel like you are taking away time from your loved ones in your already hectic schedule.

Buy used equipment for home instead of going to the gym

If getting to the gym takes too much time, consider investing in some exercise equipment and dedicate a small space for a home gym.  Most people are much more likely to exercise at home than they are to drive to the gym several times a week.

Allow yourself to become a priority in your writing life

If you are still having problems finding the time to exercise, you may need to take a long, hard look at your schedule and prioritize.  What activities can you cut out so that you can fit your exercise in?  Make your health a priority.

Exercise increases your mental productivity for writing

The good news is, if you make exercising a priority you will discover that you become much more productive in other areas of your life.  Your increased level of energy will allow you to finish other tasks more quickly, thus giving you more time to exercise and do other enjoyable activities.

Finding time to exercise really isn’t hard to do if you follow some of the above suggestions that we have provided for you.  It is a matter of making exercise a top priority in your life and sticking with it.  Set regular times on your calendar for exercising and then just keep your appointments and follow through.

Let me know how your writing improves after you’ve found more energy as a result of making exercise a priority in your life.